Fórum Justiça

International Seminar Access to Justice and Legitimacy in Judicial Spaces for the Special Protection Groups

Democratização do Sistema de JustiçaÍbero Latino-Americano


Since the 1980s, many Latin American countries have undergone democratic transitions processes after a period of authoritarian regimes or dictatorships. The region has incorporated new legal institutions in its legal frameworks, including substantive constitutional and human rights, procedural and substantive criminal changes among others.  

Despite these positive legislative and institutional changes, reforms have not always translated into respect for, and effective enforcement of, human rights due to persistent structural conditions of discrimination and socio-cultural marginalization. Most citizens do not feel that they are fully represented by legal institutions, which diminishes their legitimacy. In this sense, access to justice for the vulnerable in Latin America is still a challenge. They also request changes in the interpretation of the law to make access to justice effective in their lived reality.

Thursday, December 9, 2021
09:00 to 17:00 – Toronto time
Interpretation into FRA, ENG, ESP. | Free and open to all.

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In the face of these challenges, the University of Ottawa, in partnership with institutions, researchers, and legal actors from Latin America, proposes this second phase of a project that links the international research to legal training through a dialogue aENGLISH – Program – International Seminarmong experts, researchers, and stakeholders in order to discuss the barriers to accessible justice and possible solutions, taking into account experiences in Canada and Latin American countries.

Click to access the schedule 

The Seminar will review experiences in different contexts within Canada and Latin America where we may observe how the justice system responds, even unconsciously, to different interests from outside of the legal system or how it deepens inequalities. The intent is to identify such phenomena and search for strategies to overcome them. 

There will be simultaneous interpretation throughout the day (FRA / ENG / ESP).

Certificate will be provided.

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